Tag: reuse

What 5 R’s Can Do For Our World

By vanessac | Comments: 0 | October 7, 2018
Written by, Vanessa Cole October 2018 As parents and community members we have compiled information to introduce what we call the 5 R's. We are not experts, but instead informed participants, forever seeking solutions to our very serious environmental crisis. These 5 R's, when enacted in legions of communities, we believe, can offer the opportunities


By vanessac | Comments: 1 | August 22, 2018
Written August 22, 2018 by, Vanessa Cole Sadly, summer and all it's free family time is coming to a close. For some, the routine of the school year is a welcome change from the open schedules of summer, for others a challenge to balance rigid schedules of here and there while keeping a mindful eye
In  Parenting

Remember Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax? We’re There.

By vanessac | Comments: 0 | December 20, 2017
By, Vanessa Cole Published December 20, 2017, edited April 9, 2018 The Lorax spoke for the trees, and they need speaking for, as do the glaciers, the ocean and the air we breathe. The impact we are having as human beings IS CHANGING the chemical make up of our planet and all that sustains us.