Choices That Keep Us Centered & Connected
Family lifestyles are a choice, but these choices reach into communities, so they should be thoughtful. As parents we are at the forefront how our choices will ultimately affectthe daily interaction, perspective and experiences our family has. We guide our children into the lives they will lead, helping give direction to what is important based on our choices, values and direction.
Our family puts value on inner peace, human connection and happiness. As our children grow and interact in our communities we've felt the pull of making choices based on what others are doing with their children. It has become more difficult to decide what to fill our children's days with and what to forego. Our goal being what is best for our kids, sometimes wondering what choices will offer the best outcome for them, while still considering the balance of enough open space to just be children & finding their own sense of self along the way. It is an intricate BALANCE.
We recently had the opportunity to travel to beautiful Solvang, California and had a discussion at breakfast about what things we can do to navigate this balance.
As a family, we've found Success in the following strategies to stay on course with our family goals of being present and mindful:
- WE EAT DINNER together, at the table with NO TECHNOLOGY, ever, every night. Even if our dinner time has to shift a bit to accommodate a practice schedule. We talk about the kids day, manners, any struggles, school, friends, etc. I'll admit, sometimes, after a long day, Addy & Pres just fight, but sitting them across from each other instead of next to one another seems to help that-- and even this offers the opportunity to teach kindness lessons!
- We periodically, re-evaluate our schedules and the kid's after school activities, so we don't "over-book" them away from just being children. There is great opportunity in interpersonal relationship guidance at the park-- no matter what age your kids are! Climbing trees, digging in the dirt and running around interacting with friends without organized direction allows kids to feel and be free! Our kids spend at least 3 afternoons a week at the park--- sometimes meeting friends there, other times meeting NEW friends!
- We also try to give our kids time at home, without anything scheduled. Time to relax and just be. This time can't be too long, and we usually give suggestions like: reading time, guitar time, bedroom play time, backyard time etc... don't get me wrong, this one can go south, so play it by ear knowing who your kids are!
- We've been working on taking time to be present with the kids and still have some space to be and model a healthy, loving relationship with each other--- I think we sometimes overlook the importance of letting our kids SEE that there is love between their parents. Yet, this is, after all the foundation of the whole unit!*Don't be fooled by the "oh so perfect" personification these pics offer... there's real life going on and it isn't always pretty--- but we're always inspired to put in the effort to find our BALANCE!