Tag: CALRecycle

What 5 R’s Can Do For Our World

By vanessac | Comments: 0 | October 7, 2018
Written by, Vanessa Cole October 2018 As parents and community members we have compiled information to introduce what we call the 5 R's. We are not experts, but instead informed participants, forever seeking solutions to our very serious environmental crisis. These 5 R's, when enacted in legions of communities, we believe, can offer the opportunities


By vanessac | Comments: 2 | August 22, 2018
Written August 22, 2018 by, Vanessa Cole Sadly, summer and all it's free family time is coming to a close. For some, the routine of the school year is a welcome change from the open schedules of summer, for others a challenge to balance rigid schedules of here and there while keeping a mindful eye