WHAT is SEL? WHO is CASEL? Why Does SEL Matter To Everyone?
SEL Programs are proven to be the best opportunity to close the American achievement gap, supporting healthy, happy children, contributing to balanced communities and supporting children's ability to thrive in life and learning. The outcome will create a better world for all.
The following information is provided by a 2016 Congressional brief by CASEL & The Committee for Children.
CASEL defines social emotional learning (SEL) as "the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to understand and manage emotions, set and accomplish positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions."
The Collaborative for Academic Social & Emotional Learning (CASEL). Their mission is to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school. As a thought leader, field builder, and advocate, CASEL spans the fields of research, practice and policy to achieve their ambitious goals, creating tools and resources to help districts, schools & communities with the successful implementation and sustainability of integrated, evidence based SEL Programs.
WHY DO SEL Programs matter to EVERYONE?
Research shows that skills taught in SEL curricula have wide ranging benefits that affect children's success in school, career and life. Because children and the people they become creates the WORLD and the WORKFORCE for everyone, their success matters to all. Of the 16 skills identified in a World Economic Forum report as important for the 21st century--- including foundational literacies, competency in approaching challenges, and character qualities-- 12 are social and emotional skills. Children need to learn social and emotional skills if they are to thrive in the workplace of the 21st century.
Read the full 2016 CASEL & Committee for Children Congressional Brief
The AddyPresFoundation works to bring awareness of SEL, it's neuro-scientifically proven success and effective, CASEL recommended programs to public schools. Support our efforts, DONATE SPONSOR or become a PARTNER today, contact@addypreslifestyle.com