Mindfulness Can Be Found in Simple Daily Pleasures

Everyone is talking about Mindfulness— WHAT IS IT?

Simply put: Mindfulness is the conscious effort to be present in the ONE THING you are doing, thinking, saying, being RIGHT NOW. To assume that we will be able to mono task at everything in our busy world today might be unrealistic, but to get even a little better at it will improve our lives, our health and our communities; so it’s definitely worth the effort!

What is a lifestyle strategy you might implement right now to learn to be more mindful?

Meditation, and simplifying your daily goals & To Do’s are a good start to finding a more mindful lifestyle.

What are the benefits of living a more Mindful LifeSTYLE?

JOY! The American Psychological Association cites mindfulness as a hopeful strategy for alleviating depression, anxiety and pain. AND, Children who meditate as part of their daily routine, are calmer, have kinder behavior, improved academics, more self-control, improved focus and less depression as the outcome, according to many clinicians, scientists, school administrators and journals.

An example of how to implement Mindfulness into your LifeSTYLE:

As seasons change, and life moves forward, it is important to make an effort to slow down and enjoy how special the changing of weather can be from a perspective that allows us to take in the beauty. By doing this, you are making the choice to be a little more mindful, living through your senses. Take something simple, like holiday decorating to teach your kids mindful lifestyle strategies— breathing in the moments and embedding the memories of time spent together, making sure to clear all obligations so that you are able to make the choice to be fully present in your experience. Something as simple as re-planting seasonal flowers in all the pots around your yard together as a family can offer a great mindful experience.

Make the activity fun & engaging for your children by discussing how the seasons are changing and what those changes are. You might also talk about the deeper meaning of life: gratitude in friendships, family and giving. This specifically allocated time, when designated, allows families to slow down, teaching children this importance through the discussion and the experiences of their senses-- have them smell each plant, touch the different leaves, feel the soil in their fingers and be grateful for the experience of just being alive to discover and feel simply living, something so often overlooked because we are too busy!

“Simplification signals a change, a realignment of our hopes and our everyday lives”        Kim John Payne


What simple ways are you implementing Mindfulness into your family's daily LifeSTYLE? Tell us about it!  Signup for our newsletter & look for periodic updates on our social media to take part in our LifeSTYLE journey!!













