THE AP SCHOOL GIVE PROGRAM seeks to build a community of committed educators and support them as they work to update education systems, growing learning experiences that more closely mirror the future of work & life.
4 Levels of support GET YOU GOING, then SUSTAINABLY SUPPORT your continued success for PEOPLE. for PLANET. for THEM.
LEVEL 1: Unique district level on-boarding builds AWARENESS & PARTNERSHIP between school, home and AP as a support partner.
LEVEL 2: Educator commitment opens a series of FREE TOOLS, FRAMEWORKS & RESOURCES. (Including: * K-5 KIND IDEAS 5 Day Kick Off Experience, built in partnership with New York Times Multiple Best Selling Author, Kobi Yamada * K-12 AP Create a Solver6 Program & Activation Framework * K-12 AP Stewardship Activation Tool *K-12 Intro to SEL Guide & Educator Toolboxes * K-12 APYS Mentor Program & Educator ToolsetÂ
LEVEL 3: Mentor Impact Visits kick off school level solutions & open gateways for continued programming support.
LEVEL 4: Access into the AP Community Forum provides sustained support for approved, evidence-based training, programs, resources & real world connections that grow global citizens.