Our Commitment to People & Planet


AddyPresCorporation is a proud NONPROFIT PARTNER of the 1% for the Planet Global Organization. This means that we are part of a recipient network that supports & participates in work for People & Planet.

We made the decision to join the 1% for the Planet global network because we share the environmental and social values of the organization and it's members and we want to PARTICIPATE in real solutions for the world we are handing to our children.

We believe that it is our responsibility as parents, educators and a global society, to make our children aware of the social & environmental challenges that will impact their lives and to build their life skills so they have the opportunities to participate in solutions. This is a value that carries through our work, informing, connecting and empowering youth with resources they need.

The Work Our 1% Commitment Enables

As part of our commitment, we work within the 1% for the Planet network to connect with responsible commerce partners who share our values, helping us develop initiatives, free tools and resources that provide youth with individualized opportunities to grow creatively, ethically, socially and digitally, empowering informed leadership within a rapidly shifting world.

Please learn more about our current initiatives & programs on our landing page and consider your support!